Thursday, January 31, 2013

On my way! (...but Tornado Warning in GA...)

~6 hours of traveling so far and 33 hours left to go! It's strange not having an exam to study for... I have filled my kindle with lots of yummy books and am just about to start Shantaram! Also working on my Hindi. (slowly coming along...but hopefully better by the end of my month!) Sitting here sneaking a few deliciously tasty berry sour patch kids, reading, journaling, and meeting some strangely interesting ppl is actually a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Very peaceful :)

Exploring the Atlanta, GA airport brings back memories of recent trips to Nicaragua and Guatemala- makes me happy :) ...Outside the clouds are gloomy and dark. The news is consumed with more terrible gun shootings and the Tornado that just touched down 60 miles north of me... I wish it was possible to stop this madness and prevent ppl from getting to the point where they do these things... Also hoping this Tornado Warning for GA will not affect my flight... Or trap me at this airport... (and really hoping friends in GA are ok). Just another one of those things that is beyond my control, so I guess we'll see what happens...

Depending on the status of this tornado and stormy weather, my next stop is Amsterdam then Mumbai! ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Be the change u wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)

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