Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hong Kong 2013- Stanley Beach/Market, Tin Hau Temple and Dim Sum Lunch

Finally arrived in Hong Kong! 
(google image)

  From Guatemala to Nicaragua to India to Hong Kong.... the travel addiction continues........

  After a month in India, I spent the following month of March on my very last rotation of medical school! I am finally finished with non-stop studying, med school exams, board exams, working at the hospital all day then coming home to spend the rest of my day studying....or.. wait.... at least finished until my 5 yrs (at least) of residency begins..... Starting July 1st, I will be working 10x harder, studying for ABSITE exams, board exams, managing patients, learning how to operate, and will soon actually have real responsibility in life.... Sooo until then, during these next 2 months, I will be cherishing every moment of my last little bit of freedom! 

  I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to complain. Because I am indeed very thankful for my life. And regardless of how hard residency will be, and that I will soon feel like I'm drowning and barely staying afloat (at least in the beginning), I will remind myself how fortunate I am. I am doing work that I love. that I choose. that I am passionate about. I will always be challenged, always have something more to learn, something more to improve upon, and will push myself harder than I've ever been pushed before. I will have the honor of taking care of patients and the responsibility to save lives.  And the more I travel, the more I realize how very fortunate I am. I am thankful for all those who fought for equality before me, allowing me to become not only a physician, but soon a surgeon. Just 93 yrs ago women couldn't vote, and here I am, able to follow my dreams. Life is good. 

  And now that I'm finishing yet another chunk of education, I remember when I was graduating college.... At the time I wasn't very happy about taking time off before medical school, but am now realizing how much I appreciate that I had two years to work a ton and save money. Annnd although I was saving for something that never happened, and my life has turned out very differently than I planned two years ago, I am very thankful that I've been able to travel the world with my savings before residency. Earlier this year I traveled to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and India for medical trips, and now, to continue with this travel addiction and to blow the rest of my savings, I will be venturing to Hong Kong and Europe before I begin the next chapter of my life. 


Greeted with a big hug from Paul Eli and Esme Stone Sonda! 


After finally completing my last day of medical school, I departed to Hong Kong to visit my step-brother, his wife, and their two little peanuts. They graciously took me into their home and let me stay with them for 13 days! On my first day we took a little adventure to ride the double-decker bus to Stanley Market and Beach. P.E. and Esme continuously kept us entertained and may have had a few time outs... Below are pics of Paul Eli venturing off to explore Stanley Beach and Esme dutifully following in his footsteps with her "Dora the Explorer" backpack on. Haha. So much cuteness. 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
~ First Day in Hong Kong ~ 
~ Stanley Beach, Stanley Market, Tin Hau Temple, and a delicious Dim Sum lunch ~ 

Stanley Beach, Hong Kong

Esme running behind Paul Eli to explore Stanley Beach


looks gloomy, but it was indeed very pretty.


P.E. exploring.

~ Paul Eli, Chandra, and Esme Stone Sonda! ~

taking a peak. 

Tin Hau Temple, Hong Kong

Tin Hau Temple, Hong Kong

Stanley Market, Hong Kong

~ Dim Sum ~

Voluntarily sat in the "time out chair," then later had to go outside for a "real time out"... 

love this one. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


  1. I've got a lot of respect for you, Jenn. That's way more school than I could ever handle. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it. Just be safe over there will ya!


    1. Thanks a lot Jamie! :)
      ...The more I travel, the more I appreciate living in America and having the opportunities that we have. And it's thanks to people like you that we have the freedom that we do, so thank YOU! For risking your life and fighting for all of us. I try to remind myself everyday how fortunate we are. Hope life is treating you well!
