Friday, February 22, 2013

Departing to Kerala, India

Kerala (google image)
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Last week, a friend and colleague from home sent me a message saying if I wanted to see Kerala for a weekend, he would help me arrange it. I couldn't pass up this amazing opportunity, so I bought a flight to Kerala for $125. Unfortunately, he will be leaving right before I arrive and I won't get to see him, but he told me I am welcome to stay in his family's home. Wazim has been amazing in helping me make arrangements. I feel so very fortunate to get a chance to travel to Kerala, as I have heard so much about it! One of my roommate's family is from this state, and I loved looking at the pictures from her family's home. It looks so beautiful! Most people don't speak Hindi in Kerala, but I've heard that some know English. I'm not sure if there will be internet, or what it will be like, but I'm very excited for a new little adventure! Hopefully I'll get to experience the Houseboat Tour, do some exploring, and see as much as I can of their beautiful state. I am about to head to the airport to depart on my first domestic flight to the southern most state of India- Kerala. :) 
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Houseboat Tour in Kerala (google image) 
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 "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as though you were to live forever." (Mahatma Gandhi)
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